About Katy

Midwesterner through and through, preparing to head off, on foot, on a 500-mile, centuries-old pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in NW Spain come spring of 2019.

Follow My Journey

The Camino de Santiago is a 500-mile pilgrimage route across Spain. Follow along as I blog about my journey – both as I prepare (until April 2019) and walk (April – May, 2019)

Thanks and “besitos”

My Camino would not have been the Camino it was were it not for the encouragement, support, and "presence" of so many people. YOU are one of them and whether you are mentioned specifically below or whether you can read yourself in between the lines, know that I am...

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Meandering around Madrid, 47 years later…

Meandering around Madrid, 47 years later…

May 27-May 31: A pilgrim's post-camino explorations in Madrid (again, because you prompted, begged, repeatedly requested, and... because I'll soon forget if I don't record a few more adventures before I am again stateside) And by the time this day is over, I will be...

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Good-bye Atlantic Ocean, hello Mar Mediterráneo!

Good-bye Atlantic Ocean, hello Mar Mediterráneo!

Wednesday, May 22-Sunday, May 26: Post-camino days in Barcelona, Sitges, and Montserrat (because you asked,, insisted, cajoled, and demanded...) It was so easy to get up every morning and head out in the direction indicated by the yellow arrows! So easy! But now, now...

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Santiago x 2

Santiago x 2

"But what about Santiago itself?" You have asked this question, and rightly so. After all, wasn't I walking towards the city of St. James for six weeks? And then, then I barely mention it even in passing? What kind of sense does that make? Let's see if I can remedy...

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My cup overflows

My cup overflows

 Day 38, Monday, May 20: Lires to Muxía (25 km, 15.5 miles) Yes, full to overflowing! Memories, thoughts, experiences, heart, backpack! All of it: full to the brim, and then some. You might be asking: Is she ready to be done with this vagabond life? Have her feet had...

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Katy Ratcliff

Katy Ratcliff

That’s me in the photo.  (You probably guessed that.)  Midwesterner through and through.  I was born and raised in…. Well, if you care about all that, check out my (in)complete bio hereFor now, know that I am spending many hours on wooded trails of several counties adjacent to my home in Bloomington, Indiana as I prepare to head off, on foot, on a 500-mile, centuries-old pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in NW Spain come spring of 2019.  “Come with me” as I reflect on my training and then on my experiences as a peregrina (pilgrim).



Trip Countdown






